Best Friends Animal Rescue

Ways you can help...

There are many ways you can help.
You can volunteer your time at our fundraisers. We do road blocks, bake sales, pictures with Santa and set up in many public events to get the word out which babies need adopting.
In the colder months, be a part of our Dog house and Straw Mission. Help us deliver dog houses and straw to needy dogs in the community to help them stay warm. We also repair donated dog houses.
You can volunteer to be a foster parent for one of our dogs or cats. on't know what that is, you keep one of our fur babies and take care of it until we can find them a forever home. If you are interested, use our Contact Us! page for more information. There are certain requirements for being a foster parent and you need to fill out a foster home application to be considered.
You can help us by buying something on our WISH LIST or by donations of cash. You can find the link by clicking the Help Us! tab.
You can sponsor a dog. Sponsoring a dog reduces that animals adoption fee by the amount of the sponsorship. For instance...If the adoption fee is $200 and someone sponsors the animal $50 then the adoption fee is reduced by the $50 to $150. This information is posted under his picture. If you are interested in being a Sponsor, use our Contact Us! page for more information.
Volunteer your time!
Be a foster parent!
Donate supplies or cash!
Sponsor a dog!

Be a part of our Doghouse and Straw Mission!

Help make a difference and sign up
to volunteer today!